2022 Elks Rodeo Queen
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2022 Elks Rodeo Queen:

Rylie Halsell

Congratulations to our 2022 Queen Candidate Miss Rylie Halsell! We are so proud and appreciate all the hard work from Rylie and the Team! Rylies and the St. Joseph High School Team raised over $378,000.00!

Hi! My name is Rylie Halsell and I am excited to announce that I am your 2022 Santa Maria Elks Rodeo Queen Candidate representing St. Joseph High School! I am currently a Senior at St. Joe’s and have really enjoyed my time here. I’ve furthered my faith, relationships, and education at Saint Joes, and have met so many great people.

During my years at St. Joe’s I have been on the volleyball team, a member of the baking club and founded the equestrian club, as well as attaining a 4.0 GPA. Outside of school I am a member of the Orcutt Hill 4-H Club where I have been raising sheep since I was 9, a member of the California Gymkhana association, and volunteer with the Golden Circle of Champions for Pediatric Cancer. My main passion is horses. I’ve been riding since second grade, bought my own horse in 8th grade and have been able to be a member of the Sponsor Flag for the Elks Rodeo. I will be taking my horse, Beau Jangles, to college with me next year. This fall I am going to attend the University of Montana Western as a member of their horsemanship program. I plan on double majoring to get my bachelors in both Natural Horsemanship-Management and Business and one day will have my own business in the equine industry.

I have a huge support system this year, that consists of my family and friends. I was raised in a great family with my parents Joe and Candace, my three brothers Nathan, Logan and Eli, and my grandparents, many aunts, uncles, and cousins, too many to list all of them. Both my parents went to Saint Joseph, as well as my dad’s 7 other siblings. Without the scholarships and the great SJ community none of the Halsells would have been able to attend. This is why raising money for the scholarship fund at SJHS is a cause near to my heart. I am honored to be able to help more students to be able to experience the community at St. Joe’s that I have the opportunity to experience everyday. In addition to my family my three best friends Catherine, Abby, and Avery are with me every step of the way. I also have infinite support of my committee who I couldn’t be doing this without and are the backbone of my campaign.

Rodeo has always been a big part of my life. It’s my favorite time of year. To have been given the opportunity to take such a big role in the rodeo this year while helping my community is a dream come true. I am so honored to have this role and am going to do as much good with it as possible.